Why I am against Homeschooling

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Re: Why I am against Homeschooling

Postby jmurrellus » Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:45 pm

After having attended public schools myself and having gone through the experience of raising a son in public school, I have come to the realization that the misconception that homeschoolers are socially awkward has long plagued me. After considerable research and efforts to explore both sides of the socialization issue, I have come to realize that socialization in public schools has a significant amount of negativity attached to it. These are some of the conclusions I came to about public school:

1. There is a pervasive lack of supervision because of the teacher - student ratio.
2. Bullying (name calling, picking at a child, and so on) is fairly common. I mean, all I needed to do was examine my own school experience along with nearly everyone I know - all have reported bullying.
3. Influence matters. By this, I mean that I want to be the person to help my daughter develop her values.
4. Some things should be learned later. I want to be the person to teach my daughter about sex, and other touchy subjects. I learned about some fairly sensitive subjects in the girls bathroom around the age of 8 or 9. I plan to protect her innocence for a bit longer, then educate her fully so that she is equipped with facts.
5. Creativity and aptitude are, well, let's be honest...many schools in my area are reducing funds to music, art, and drama programs. Children need play! They need it when they are very young and even older. Creative expression breeds innovation.

I could go on and on and on with reasons to homeschool. I will end by saying that parents who choose this route should be committed to every area of development including socialization. My daughter who is six now is in cello class with same-age students. She takes dance, and plays sports when the mood hits her. There are so many options from activities at the local library to organizing our own homeschool play date.

Great conversation on this subject.

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Re: Why I am against Homeschooling

Postby Tabby » Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:16 am

I think you're very brave posting that in a homeschooling forum!! :shock:
This is my main worry for my son (he's not even 3 yet so I'm still undecided on whether we'll follow through with homeschooling) he's so friendly and loves to play with other children, and friendships are so important for me, so I want my children to experience the same relationships that I have with my friends.

That said, I became friends with my best friend age 16 (despite being in the same school and not speaking to each other for years!) My other closest friends I met when I finished high school, and my oldest friends are from extra curricular activities (ice skating). So as long as my kids see other kids regularly so that they can really be close to them, I think they'll be fine.

Surely it depends on the parents? I don't want to criticize your parents at all, but as a parent you should know when your child isn't happy or when something just isn't right.

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Re: Why I am against Homeschooling

Postby AmberP » Tue Feb 02, 2021 2:10 am

I think it's an individual thing. My older son went to elementary school and then wanted to try homeschooling. Especially with the start of quarantine, he was happy to be homeschooled as it was. And my younger son enjoys going to school. They both have friends and go out and have fun.

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Re: Why I am against Homeschooling

Postby polinkuer12 » Mon Dec 11, 2023 8:13 pm

I completely agree with the original post! We're both in our twenties now, but my brother and I were homeschooled from Elementary school to HS graduation, and long story short it was an absolute nightmare.

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Re: Why I am against Homeschooling

Postby liasenotsees » Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:46 am

Is your comment too one-sided? Personally, I find that not all schools are like that. Maybe it's because I'm lucky that my children have always been able to study in good schools. The teachers are very enthusiastic and the class is very fun.

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Re: Why I am against Homeschooling

Postby jamesalan » Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:10 am

Reading your perspective as a former homeschooled student offers a valuable insight into the potential pitfalls of homeschooling, particularly regarding socialization. Your experience highlights the importance of peer interaction and the development of social skills, something that traditional school environments naturally foster. It's commendable that you've found a more fulfilling path after transitioning to a traditional school and have worked hard to develop the social skills you felt you were lacking. Your story is a powerful reminder that while homeschooling has its academic advantages, parents must be diligent in providing regular, meaningful social interactions for their children. It's a nuanced topic, and personal experiences like yours are crucial for a balanced understanding of the impacts of homeschooling. I appreciate you sharing your journey and the thoughtful advice you've offered to parents considering this educational path.

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Re: Why I am against Homeschooling

Postby LucyCoffee » Mon Apr 22, 2024 2:00 am

I'm against homeschooling due to concerns about socialization, quality of education, and potential isolation from diverse perspectives. Traditional schooling offers social interactions crucial for development and exposure to varied viewpoints, enhancing students' adaptability and critical thinking. Moreover, qualified teachers provide structured education ensuring comprehensive learning.

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