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Michigan Homeschool Organizations and Support Groups
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Lenawee Involved In Family Education (LIFE)
P.O. Box 1034, Adrian, MI 49221
Contact: Karen Saxton
Phone: (517) 486-2062

L.I.F.E. membership is open to families pursuing Christian home education in lower Michigan and Northern Ohio.

LIFE is a Christian Homeschool group operating in Lenawee County. Our mission is to work with our families to help them homeschool effectively, efficiently and with confidence! Our support goes beyond just the students and programs. We are an extended family community. With Christian love as the cornerstone of our program, we work to forge strong supportive family relationships with our members.
As a Christian support group, members assist with planning and conducting training and programs for students and families. We have group activities year round, seminars, mentoring for new homeschool families, guest speakers from all over Michigan and neighboring states that have dedicated their lives to Homeschooling. Please Join US!

The annual membership fee includes a free monthly newsletter subscription, member discounts on activities, a bi-monthly support group meeting and access to LIFE's Website information.


L.I.F.E. (Lenawee Involved in Family Education) is a non-denominational Christian homeschool support group that exists to support Christian homeschooling families in matters of common interest, including legal information, educational resources, and motivation/training for both parents and their children.


We believe in the Bible as the verbally inspired, inerrant Word of God, We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; in the vicarious death of Jesus Christ for our sins; His virgin birth, sinless life, His bodily resurrection, and His personal return; in the necessity of the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration and the building of the Body of Christ. We also believe in the creation of man in God's image by the direct act of God; in the power of prayer; in the sanctity of life; and in each child as a gift from God.


Field trips, small group activities, co-op classes

Gym and sports classes, fitness, testing
Moms In Touch - Prayer Intercession
Family activities
Father/Child events
Young Child events
Middle School activities
Teen Group activities
Patriots - Tri-County Boys' Basketball - Jr. Varsity & Varsity
Tri-County Boys' Soccer
Cheerleading Teams
Mom's Night Out events
Year Book Staff
Group rate Croswell & Adrian Symphony children's programs
Scholastic Book Offer
Book-it reading competition

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