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Iowa Homeschool Organizations and Support Groups
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Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators
P.O. Box 158, Dexter, IA 50070
Phone: (515) 830-1614 or (800) 723-0438

NICHE is the largest statewide homeschool organization in Iowa. We sponsor an annual statewide conference and exhibit hall, host a Homeschool Day at the Capitol, offer an annual homeschool leadership conference, and produce a free magazine to promote home education in Iowa. Our website offers a huge array of helpful information and resources, including free forms, legal summaries, event listings, local support group referrals, supervising teacher referrals, classified advertising, and much more. A free online tutorial on how to get started homeschooling in Iowa is included. NICHE membership is open to all - with a number of benefits, including a bi-monthly member newsletter and discounts to NICHE events.

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