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Louisiana Homeschool Organizations and Support Groups
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Roman Catholic Homeschool Association of Louisiana (RCHAL)
P.O. Box 663, Covington, LA 70434
Contact: Beth and John Montelepre
Phone: (985) 796-1274

We, the members of the Roman Catholic Homeschool Association of Louisiana (RCHAL), in response to our vocation as parents, commit ourselves to helping those who are interested in or involved in home education. It is our mission to support the growth of a Catholic Home School community by providing service and support in the form of information, guidance, and activities. We are dedicated to observing and promoting the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and strive to live our Faith daily.

RCHAL provide many activities to enhance homeschooling. We organize and host field trips, bowling, P.E., a Curriculum Fair and Home School Conference, Moms' Mornings, Graduation, Game Nights, Project Fairs, Talent Shows, Family Picnics and First Friday Rosary, Stations of the Cross, etc.

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