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Louisiana Homeschool Organizations and Support Groups
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Christians Homeschooling In Louisiana's Delta (C.H.I.L.D.)
229 Margie Drive Oak Grove, La 71263
Contact: Vicki Kelly
Phone: 3184289046

This group has been created for Christians who homeschool in northeast Louisiana as well as southeast Arkansas and west central Mississippi. Our membership dues are $25 per family each school year, if paid by October 1st. After that deadline the fee will be $30. We are a group of Christian homeschoolers, advocating individual choice and freedom in education, serving those families who choose to homeschool by networking through activities, events, and a Yahoo group. When you send a request to join our Yahoo group you will receive a personal email from a group moderator. So please be on the look-out for it. (It may go to your spam box) We look forward to getting to know you and your family!

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