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Louisiana Homeschool Organizations and Support Groups
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Ascension Parish Homeschoolers
Serving Ascension Parish and surrounding parishes
Contact: Brittany Dooley or Joy Thibodeaux

I have created this group so that homeschool moms around our area have a local venue to ask questions, and socialize with other homeschooling moms. I have noticed that several moms out there are looking for local families to meet up with for play dates, field trips, etc. I personally, Will not be coordinating meet ups or trips, but YOU may feel free to do so on this page if that is what you are looking for. This will be a closed group and I would really like to keep it for "Homeschool Families Only" So please feel free to tell your homeschooling friends about our local group. Before adding new people I will be asking others to vouch for them (dads are welcome too as long as vouched for) due to the fact that we don't need Joe or Josie Blow showing up on a playdate that you may have posted about. I hope this page helps some of you who have been looking for a local group and new friendships are made. I am a Christian, Homeschooling Mom of three Amazing Blessings - enjoying life, and my Homeschooling Journey looking forward to hearing about yours!

***I do not expect us all to share the same beliefs, but I do ask that you Please keep topics "Clean" and that you do not post inappropriate things or I will have no choice but to remove you. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me through private message.

Thank you!

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